Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

Students on Computer

Richard E. Miller
In Richard Miller's this is how we dream video's give a a great view and description of how technology is increasing daily.  It also shows us how many resources the internet opens us up to.  Although we may not know what all the computer has to offer, it basically makes the world what it is today. The multimedia in modern day allows you to go to the extent of getting people's information that has been posted within milliseconds.
Multimedia helps the school systems today tremendously.  You basically can run you classroom from a computer.  With the help of the internet you can also find assignments, games, activities, etc. for you classroom over the web.  You can also not see what's on the internet, but you can also go behind the scenes and see what's going on there, also.  Although the internet says some pages are private, I believe that everything that is put on the internet it subject to viewing and will be viewed.  People have a way of accessing any information they want.
I believe that knowing the multimedia and how it works today will help me a lot when becoming a teacher.  This is because some of the teachers from the past haven't had a chance to teach a classroom with the help of technology, and it has been a struggle.  I'm not saying teaching without computers is a total struggle, but if technology was there to aid, then it would have removed some of the stress.  This brings me to the saying, "Don't Work Hard, Work Smart".  By knowing this saying, it will remind me to take heed of my resources and use them wisely.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
I enjoyed reading this post by Carly Pugh.  This post was on what she thought Dr. Strange should have assigned as an assignment for EDM310.  Carly's post is very thorough and well written.  I enjoyed reading this post and think it's a great assignment, because when becoming a teacher, all of the things she listed should be thought about!  Carly's assignment coincides with Dr. Miller's because the whole assignment is using multimedia to create more multimedia.  I loved the idea of Carly's assignment, however, I did think it would be very time consuming.

Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
I loved both of these videos.  In the Chipper Series, Chipper is a girl who was once in college but dropped out, because she wanted to take the easy route out.  Chipper always has excuses for her actions.  Chipper, also, always wants to take the shortcut in life.  However, she does realize that taking shortcuts in life got her nowhere but to back where she started.  I laughed throughout the whole series, because I know a few people like Chipper.  The thing that Chipper has a problem with that I also have a problem with is procrastination.  However, being in EDM310 has helped me to manage my time.
EDM310 for Dummies is a video that I can really, really relate to.  This is because the first couple of weeks in EDM310, I was feeling the exact same way.  And as time passed, I've grown to love EDM310 just like the two in the video.
Big Change Picture

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
In this video, the arguments where about students and technology.  I agree with the arguments that technology is a very vital source for students today.  Overtime, since technology has increased, it has a made a major impact in the school systems.  However, not all teachers are adapting to the change.  Most teachers are still restricting their students to whiteboards and overhead projector screens.  I feel that this is a problem, because this doesn't give them any le-way to explore other sources other than the ones given by their teacher.  I believe that with the help of technology school systems can be changed tremendously.

1 comment:

  1. Do not neglect proofreading! This is the time in the semester when students begin slacking and your work has been very enjoyable thus far! This post is below your potential. Feel free to make changes after you edit your post. I'm looking forward to your next post!
