Sunday, October 30, 2011

C4K #5-#8


Smiley FaceTiffany is a 5 year old student in Room 3 who is in We are Kids with a View.  On Tiffany's page, she has games and pictures about what she is learning in her classroom. I commented and said, "Hello Tiffany, My name is Ashley Cohen.  I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at The University of South Alabama in the United States.  I enjoyed viewing your page.  I loved how you had the games on what you were learning in class.  I played the Alien punctuation game, and it was fun.  It is good that you are in only 5 years old and learning how to half and double numbers, read with punctuation, and correct sentences using punctuation.  By the way, the United States is 13 hrs behind you all in time. :) I enjoyed viewing your page. Keep up the good work, Tiffany!"

Jayden is in Mrs. Gregory's 7th grade period 4 class.  Jaydn wrote on her post about why are insects attracted to pollen.  She did a great job describing how and why the pollen is attracted by insects.  Maybe he is learning about pollen and insects.  I commented and said, "Jadyn!, I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama..I loved your post! I liked how you thoroughly explained the process of how and why insects are attracted to pollen!! You actually refreshed my memory on insects and pollen!. Good job!  Keep up the good work. Be sure to check out my blog!"

Hurt Foot
Breanna is also in Mrs. Gregory's class.  Breanna's blog post was about how she had a horrible day.  She and her friend had decided to build a fort.  As they were getting the cinder blocks to build the fort, her friend dropped the cinder block on her toe.  She stated, it was hurting very badly until her step mom put ice on it to make it feel better.  And now, her foot feels so much better.  In her conclusion, she says she wants for people to comment and tell her about their bad day.  I commented and said,"Hey Breanna!  My name is Ashley Cohen.  I am currently enrolled in EDM310 with Dr. Strange at the University of South Alabama.  I used the random picker to read your blog.  I'm sorry to hear about you hurting your foot, but I'm glad to know that you're doing better! I've had a horrible day before.  Me and my sister we're playing basketball with my brother, and she pushed me to get the ball. When she pushed me, I fell on a trampoline leg, and it went inside of the bottom of my jaw.  I HAD TO HAVE STITCHES! That was when I was in 5th grade though. But I'm better now! :) I enjoyed reading your blog! Keep up the good work! Be sure to check out my blog!"

Jarrod is a member of 2KM and 2KJ at Leopold PS in Leopold, Australia.  On his blog post, he showed the different ways he used many websites on the internet to create many multimedia things.  Jarrod created jazz music,made a presentation with music, and also taped a recording of him talking with his brother's picture.  On his brother's picture, he made the mouth to move as if he were really talking.  I commented on Jarrod's blog post and said,"Hello Jarrod!
I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama.  I enjoyed reading your blog post and watching your multimedia presentations that you created using websites.  I never knew you could do all that on the internet!! I will be sure to make me a few when I get a chance!! It was also fun listening to your Jazz music you created! Keep up the good work! Be sure to check out my blog! "


Gravity Letters

Mrs. Barks class is a fourth grade class in Auckland, NZ.  On this blog post, it was about the questions they wanted answered about gravity.  They had a 3:52 video explaining the many questions they had about gravity in space.  I commented and said,"Hello Mrs. Barks!
My name is Ashley Cohen, and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama.  I can say, I loved this video, because I would have never known this is how they eat and use the restroom in space! It's quite interesting.  I would love to visit space to see what more they do to try and maintain with the gravity levels.  I enjoyed the post! Thanks for posting it. It educated me more on gravity in space. :) Thanks!"

This post was by a student who talked about how their teachers sometimes gives them assignments with no limitations.  The student says this is a different learning style that some student enjoy because it allows them to be very creative.  I commented and said,"Hello. My name is Ashley Cohen.  I am student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama.  I enjoyed reading your post.  I think that it is a good idea that your teacher allows you a great range in doing your assignment.  Sometimes when students are limited to their creativity, they tend to either no the the assignment or not fulfill it correctly.  Sometimes not giving instructions is a good idea because it gives students a time to be creative with no limitations.  Great post! Enjoyed reading this! Glad to hear about teachers like this! :)"

Blog Post #10

Piaget Quote

Do you Teach or Do you Educate
In this video, Joshua Bloom gives the differences between teaching and educating.  Throughout the video, he gave the definitions of teaching and the definitions of educating.  This video gives a great example of why we should educate rather teaching.
This video also shows why I became an education major.  I stepped into the education field because, not only did I want to be a teacher to students, but I also wanted to be an educator!  I want to be the teacher that shows the students about reality and not just teach them facts.  I most definitely do not want to be a "burp-back" teacher.  Although we should be educators, there are still some people that only teach the children and not educate them.  This video was a must watch for all teachers/educators so that it will remind them on what majoring in the education field is all about-teaching and/or educating.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home!
PencilIn this post, Tom Johnson gives a story on how one of his high administrative co-workers storms in on him a goes off on him because he is letting his students take pencils home.  However, what she does not know is that he is doing it for a good cause.  He is taking the problem and using the problem to make a better solution.    He doesn't focus on the problem and the bad outcome it gives, but he is using the problem to entertain the kids in a educational way.  He also got the parents involved with using the pencils for the better rather than for personal entertainment.  He understands that they say pencils are used for a form of entertainment, but he doesn't dwell on the negative.  He turns it into a positive.
I loved this article.  This is because many teachers and administrators are quick to throw something out of the school system if it is said to be a problem.  I believe throwing something completely out is harder to do rather than cope with it and use it for the better.  Children are easier with making a change in something than throwing it out.  If something that students like gets thrown out, then another problem that will occur is students sneaking the item in school anyways!! So I say, don't throw it out! Tweak it and make it useful!  As a future educator, a motto that I will have is "Never Look at the Negative, But Focus On the Positive".
I Always Look On The Posistive Side Quote

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post #9

Listen To Children

What I've Learned This Year (1st Year)
In this blog post, Mr. McClung talk about his first year of teaching elementary education.  Mr. McClung's first year of teaching was in Noel, Missouri.  He admits to being young, inexperienced, and didn't know what to expect from being an elementary teacher.  In his first year reflection blog, he talks about the things he learned from teaching.  Mr. McClung learned how to read the crowd, be flexible, communicate, be reasonable, don't be afraid of technology, listen to your students, and lastly, never stop learning.
I enjoyed reading this post, because as an upcoming elementary teacher, these things are very helpful when entering the classroom on the first day of school.  His insight on his first year helped me tremendously and also gave me hope.  This post helped me to realize that everyday will not be the same! The part that most helped me was when was talking about listen to your students.  Although, we may not think children appreciate when we listen, they do.  You may say student's don't know if we listen or not, they do.  Listening may seem so minor, but it affects student's, and they appreciate it significantly.  No doubt, this blog has gave me hope for my first year.

What I've Learned From This (3rd Year)
In this blog, Mr. McClung talks about his 3rd year of teaching as an elementary teacher and coach.  He explains the many different things that he has learned from the first day of teaching up until now.  Mr. McClung has learned from and about knowing who his boss is to never getting comfortable.  He states that it is a must to ALWAYS stay an energized teacher and never be afraid to accept and learn new ideas.
I enjoyed read Mr. McClung's post.  This is because it showed me that all teachers aren't the best on day one.  Teachers learn on a daily basis and accept their imperfections and work on them.  Teachers must be able to accept the fact that every lesson WILL NOT go as planned.  Mr. McClung says that he used to stress all the time because he his lesson didn't go as he planned them to.  Being an elementary teacher, hardly ever will lessons go as planned because elementary children are so random, that you can never predict them.  I enjoyed reading this post and will take the many things that Mr. McClung addressed with me into the real world when I begin teaching.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

Students on Computer

Richard E. Miller
In Richard Miller's this is how we dream video's give a a great view and description of how technology is increasing daily.  It also shows us how many resources the internet opens us up to.  Although we may not know what all the computer has to offer, it basically makes the world what it is today. The multimedia in modern day allows you to go to the extent of getting people's information that has been posted within milliseconds.
Multimedia helps the school systems today tremendously.  You basically can run you classroom from a computer.  With the help of the internet you can also find assignments, games, activities, etc. for you classroom over the web.  You can also not see what's on the internet, but you can also go behind the scenes and see what's going on there, also.  Although the internet says some pages are private, I believe that everything that is put on the internet it subject to viewing and will be viewed.  People have a way of accessing any information they want.
I believe that knowing the multimedia and how it works today will help me a lot when becoming a teacher.  This is because some of the teachers from the past haven't had a chance to teach a classroom with the help of technology, and it has been a struggle.  I'm not saying teaching without computers is a total struggle, but if technology was there to aid, then it would have removed some of the stress.  This brings me to the saying, "Don't Work Hard, Work Smart".  By knowing this saying, it will remind me to take heed of my resources and use them wisely.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
I enjoyed reading this post by Carly Pugh.  This post was on what she thought Dr. Strange should have assigned as an assignment for EDM310.  Carly's post is very thorough and well written.  I enjoyed reading this post and think it's a great assignment, because when becoming a teacher, all of the things she listed should be thought about!  Carly's assignment coincides with Dr. Miller's because the whole assignment is using multimedia to create more multimedia.  I loved the idea of Carly's assignment, however, I did think it would be very time consuming.

Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
I loved both of these videos.  In the Chipper Series, Chipper is a girl who was once in college but dropped out, because she wanted to take the easy route out.  Chipper always has excuses for her actions.  Chipper, also, always wants to take the shortcut in life.  However, she does realize that taking shortcuts in life got her nowhere but to back where she started.  I laughed throughout the whole series, because I know a few people like Chipper.  The thing that Chipper has a problem with that I also have a problem with is procrastination.  However, being in EDM310 has helped me to manage my time.
EDM310 for Dummies is a video that I can really, really relate to.  This is because the first couple of weeks in EDM310, I was feeling the exact same way.  And as time passed, I've grown to love EDM310 just like the two in the video.
Big Change Picture

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
In this video, the arguments where about students and technology.  I agree with the arguments that technology is a very vital source for students today.  Overtime, since technology has increased, it has a made a major impact in the school systems.  However, not all teachers are adapting to the change.  Most teachers are still restricting their students to whiteboards and overhead projector screens.  I feel that this is a problem, because this doesn't give them any le-way to explore other sources other than the ones given by their teacher.  I believe that with the help of technology school systems can be changed tremendously.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Short Movie! :)

My Favorite Teacher and My Inspiration to be a Teacher! Enjoy!

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Before even watching "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch, I dreaded having to watch it.  With that being said, I  waited to the last minute to watch.  However, when I started watching it, I actually was drawn in.  I loved how Randy Pausch used emphasis in his voice.  Another thing that I liked that drew me into his video was how he used comedy to keep the audience interested.  Throughout his video he talked about his childhood dreams, how he enabled the dreams of others, and his lessons learned.
Randy Pausch said a lot of things throughout his video that struck me, and will stick with me for the rest of my life.  "Brick walls are built and placed for a reason".  Brick walls show your dedication, and also separates you from the people who don't want to achieve their childhood dreams.  If you are willing to go beyond the brick wall and try your best to knock it down to achieve your goals, it shows your hard determination.  Also, fundamentals matter.  Without fundamentals, it really doesn't matter about the fancy stuff. That is important because some teachers focus on the fancy things in the classroom rather than the fundamentals behind to get the fancy things.  Another statement that Pausch said was about worrying.  "You should worry when your doing wrong and no one says anything".  After hearing that, I was brought to reality because I've always had the attitude about why are people worrying about my business.  But when I heard that, it made me realize that when people are worrying about you and giving you criticism, then they actually care for you and want the best for you.  Now that makes me want more criticism daily.
In the Last Lecture, Randy Pausch talks about how he love to enable other children to achieve their dreams.  He was able to help two of his students to become faculty members of the college he taught at, Carnegie Mellon University.  Pausch loved helping others.  Pausch created Alice to help students with virtual technology.  He stated that even if he didn't see how big the success would be, he didn't care and that at least it would be apart of his legacy.
"Without the different people in your life, you wouldn't be who you are".  This stated by Randy Pausch is so true.  Pausch says many people such as parents, mentors, teachers, friends, and even colleagues have gotten you to where you are today.  People that helped him be the man who he is today was Andy van Dam and his bosses.
A few other quotes that Randy Pausch said that stuck me and will stick with me all throughout the years I'm teaching is
  • Never Give Up
  • You can't get there alone
  • Tell the truth, be earnest, and apologize if you screw up
  • Focus on yourself not others
  • Get feedback loop, and listen to it.
    • Anybody can get positive feedback or chewed out, but it takes a strong one to take heed and listen.
  • Don't complain; just work harder
  • Be good at something; it makes you valuable.
  • Find the best in everybody
    • You might have to wait a while but people will show you their good side eventually; just keep waiting; everybody is not evil.
    Be Good At Something Quote

    Those are just a few of the quotes that I took heed to.  When I become a teacher, these would be quotes that I would post around my classroom to make it a positive learning environment.  At the end of the video, Randy Pausch stated that the purpose of the video wasn't for the crowd, but it was for his children when he dies of his sickness.  Overall, I enjoyed the video, and wouldn't mind watching it for a second time.  All of the things that Randy Pausch said in this video will be taken with me and used in the near future.

    Saturday, October 8, 2011

    PLN Progress Report (Project #10)

    Photo of PLN

    This is my actual PLN in it's beginning stages.  I used Symbaloo to help create and organize my PLN.  I have somewhat color coded my PLN.  At the moment, on my PLN are the sites I find helpful, or I visit regularly.   Social sites I have included that I visit daily are Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and YouTube.  Also, on my PLN, I have added teachers and kids that I have commented for C4T and C4K, respectively.  I've also included a few tiles that help me in other education classes.  The tile helps me to create lesson plans for my HS 365 course that I am taking this semester.  Although my PLN is in its beginning stages, I hope to have a full, complete, organized PLN by the end of the semester that I will be able to use daily after the EDM310 course is completed.

    Timetoast Timeline (20th Century Presidents First Day of Term) Project #9b

    C4T #2

    Future Exit Sign

    Leaders Building the Future
    In this post, Mr. Will Richardson uses explains how there are 5 ways we direct our students into the future.  However, he didn't talk about it from an educational standpoint.  He explained it from a business standpoint, but they do work the same respectively.  The five points that Mr. Will Richardson expounded on were master unlearning, augment expertise, pilot, invest, and experiment, reward learning and cooperation, and know your aspiration.  I enjoyed reading this post, because it actually gives you a guideline on what a teacher should consist of to make the classroom a better environment.  I also liked how he talked about from a business standpoint, but stated it could be used for education as well.  
    I commented on Mr. Richardson's post and stated that I was a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading his post.  I also said when I first started reading his post I thought it had to do with business so how  in the world does it have to do with education?. When I kept reading, I realized that it has alot to do with education.  I thanked him for his post because it opened my eyes to realizing there is room for error in the classroom. Enjoyed your post!

    Woman Looking in Mirror

    No Quick Fix
    This post by Mr. Will Richardson is about how when teachers get in the classroom, they always wonder how can they change the school system.  Richardson believes that teachers shouldn't worry about how to change the school but change themselves first.  He states that it's not the school system changing but it is the teachers themselves that must change in the classroom setting that changes things.  
    I commented and stated that I enjoy reading his post.  I also agreed that change must first start individually.  If the change starts individually, then most of the changes that the school systems are trying to make wouldn't need to be made.  It also inspired me to when I become a teacher to not always look at the school system, but to check myself before blaming the school system. Enjoyed his post!

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    Blog Post #6

    The Networked Student

    Let's Network
    This video is about how a student uses the network to his advantage.  This student basically uses the network to complete and find all his sources of information.  There is no source of textbooks for him to use whatsoever.  He finds different proffessors and scholars to help him in whatever he needs by easily following blogs and creating a blog. This video shows how using the internet can be a great benefit when needing to know alot of information, and scholars would be the ones to consult.  At the end of the video, the question what since the student has the network to access all of its information, then what is the purpose for the teacher.  The answer was that the teacher is there to guide the student and show the student the skills on how to use the network.  Also, the teacher is to show the student how to use the skills and information in the real world that he/she obtains.

    I believe that a networked student would go far beyond a student who doesn't take advantage of the internet. The internet is a great source that gives you access to millions more sources.  Teaching a student how to be a networked student at a young age is a great advantage because it will train them to make it a habit to network once they enter the professional world.  So, no doubt, I believe all teachers should teach their students to be a networked student daily.  As an upcoming teacher, I will teach my students how to become a networked student.

    A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
    Verizon PLN NetworkIn this video a 7th grade girl gives a view of her Personal Learning Environment.  She shows how she uses it and tells how it is such a helpful device to her with her school work and personal use.  The 7th grader stated that creating a PLE can be very helpful when trying to view and keep so much information.  It helps you be organized and informed about every page at the same time. She showed that with a PLE things can be organized by color and folders.  She also acknowledges that a pro of having a PLE is that you can have scientist can be emailed to have them edit your work.  Another idea is that you can even chat with certain scholars via Skype.  Although my PLE (PLN) is in it's beginning stages, I hope to have a full PLN as good as her's by time I finish this class.  Not only would I use it for this class, but also as a daily tool while teaching. 

    C4K #1-#4

                                                          1st Comment
    Benmore With Deer Head
    I was assigned to comment on Ellie's blog post. Ellie is attending school in Benmore.  She was just getting started and this was her first post. I commented and said,"Hello Ellie! My name is Ashley Cohen. I attend the University of South Alabama in the United States and is enrolled in EDM310. I was assigned to read your posts. I see that you're just getting started with your blog. I am  a new blogger as well. You can look me up on Twitter at @iitzz_ash (2 i's and 2 z's). Hope your enjoying Benmore. I'm excited to read your upcoming blog posts while you're in Benmore! Have fun!"

    2nd Comment
    Helen is a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. She is in Room 19 and her teacher is Mr. Harris. Her favorite subject at school is Writing because helps her with words.  She says, "The best thing about having my own netbook is that it allows me to do my work faster."  On her post she stated facts about Latin America.  She also did a good did with incorporating pictures.  I commented and said, "Hello Helen!
    My name is Ashley Cohen and I am in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I was assigned to read your posts. I enjoyed reading this post. Last semester I took a class called Latin American Studies and it reminded me of then. You're doing a good job presenting your information. I love how you incorporated photos also. Follow me on twitter at (iitzz_ash)-2 i's and 2 z's- Keep up the good work! :)"

    3rd Comment
    Tooth Trouble book
    Mrs. Diane Hall class is in McKinney, TX.  This is a Thinking Stem class.  Every other day, they post about the reading that they are reading in the class.  For this post, Sam was reading a book called Tooth Trouble.  On his post he stated that he was reading Tooth Trouble and stated his thoughts on how the story was going to end.  I commented and said, "Hello Sam.. My name is Ashley Cohen. I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama.  I was assigned to read your blog post.  I haven't read Tooth Trouble, but it sounds like its good.  I think he will knock the bully's tooth out.  I think i'm going to go to the local library and look for the book.  Reply back and let me know how the story ends.  It was good reading your post about Tooth Trouble.  Good post."

    Technology Podcast!